breathe the change
Breath Is Life Book Wins Awards!

Health & Fitness

Bill Fisher Award for
Best First Book: Nonfiction


Overall Book Design (nonfiction)

Mind, Body, Spirit
Laurie Ellis-Young and George T. Ellis. PsyD, received Two Silver Benjamin Franklin IBPA Awards in the categories for their book, Breath Is Life, at the 35th Annual 2023 Independent Book Publishers Association conference in San Diego, CA on May 5th.
Additionally, Breath Is Life is a finalist in the largest international awards competition Next Generation INDIE Book Awards in the two categories of Overall Book Design (nonfiction) and Mind, Body, Spirit.
And (MIPA) Midwest Independent Publishers Association Award has selected Breath Is Life for a Silver Award in the category of HEALTH and is nominated for a GOLD award on June 17, 2023 at the MIPA Gala at Open Book in Minneapolis.

FOREWORD REVIEWS by Melissa Wuske Jan/Feb 2022: “The book has a calm pace, augmenting the tone of its instruction. The pages are roomy with beautiful, restful botanical accents. Each chapter ends with breathing essentials: a key idea plus a BLIPP—Breath Literacy’s Instant Power Practice—to make sure learning goes from the mind to the body. Breath Is Life is a health book that shows that new life is as close as your lungs.”

Laurie Ellis-Young
George T. Ellis, PsyD
You can breathe easy now -
the book is here!

“. . . the WHY, the WOW, and the HOW of working
with your breath for optimal wellbeing. . .”
- Rosa Marroquin, MD
This book is for you if you are:
a wellbeing advocate committed to improving health
holistic natural practitioner (i.e. mindfulness and yoga practitioner)
facing day-to-day challenges, desire a better night’s sleep, or want to boost brain function
an educator or student: from kindergarten to post grad
a medical provider such as a doctor, nurse, staff, caregiver, hospice worker, emergency medical team
a business, organization, or management team that wants to reduce stress in the workplace
are suffering emotionally and/or physically from things like ADD, anxiety, cancer, chronic pain, depression, grief, stress, PTSD, etc.
going through significant life transitions such as the death of a loved one, divorce, job loss, family changes, empty nest, aging, etc.
desire to enhance your “peak performance,” personally and/or professionally
Imagine exploring the chapters in this book!
MAGIC IN THE AIR! Oxygen as Nourishment
and Safety
THE NOSE KNOWS: Foundational Breath Science
WHAT NERVE! Our Nervous System
WHOLE LOTTA SHAKIN' GOIN ON! Maximum Benefits for Minimum Effort
FEELING ON TOP OF THE WORLD: Breathing to Calm, Enjoy and Empower
NOW I LAY ME DOWN TO SLEEP: When You Can't Sleep
Laurie EllisYoung MTC, SYT, is an internationally recognized speaker, author, Senior Yoga Teacher (Yoga Alliance U.K.), MBSR instructor, (SHIFT) peace ambassador, and a pioneer in teaching optimal breathing.
During her early career in the stressful airline industry, Laurie vacationed by leading many adventurefilled treks in the Himalayas and Andes. With limited oxygen, and the highest mountains in the world as her teachers she discovered the power of breath for “peak” performance, physically and psychologically. She has led groups to over twenty countries including Mexico, Guatemala, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, India, Nepal, Thailand, Tibet, Cambodia, France, Spain, and Italy.
Laurie’s passion for breath intensified as she sought out various teachers and developed her own personal practice. Desiring to share this knowledge in everyway possible, she founded Breathe the Change LLC and cofounded the nonprofit BreathLogic.
George T. Ellis PsyD, LP, is a Licensed clinical psychologist with 40+ years of experience in conflict resolution, stress management, trauma, cross-cultural psychotherapy, neuropsychology, and MBSR training.
George has been founding director of numerous programs within global organizations and NGO’s including the UN, USAID, and OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe). He has practiced as a psychologist and consulted nationally, internationally, privately, in innovative schools, active conflict zones, telehealth and the US prison system.
A portion of the profits from the sales of this book
will be donated to BreathLogic.
Breathe The Change Press
Contact: Info@BreathLogic.org

Paperback: $24.99
Pages: 288 Size: 9h x 7w
ISBN: 9781737584209
eBook ISBN: 9781737584216
audio book: 9781737584223

praise for breath is life
“A brilliant and persuasive book that emphasizes the value of being truly conscious of how we breathe. Good breathing is good health. A fun and easy read.”
— Bill Manahan MD, Founder, MN Holistic Medicine Group
“A course in 'Breath Literacy’ that is easy, effective, and entertaining. This is a book that changes lives.”
— Peggy Cappy PhD, Master Yoga Teacher, Creator of Yoga for the Rest of Us programs for PBS TV
"Breath is Life is now a key resource on my new self-care journey. Becoming breath literate has enhanced my quality of life. This book is a game changer for anyone who wants to breathe new life into life as you currently know it.”
— Annette P. Johnson CPR, MSOL The Fly Coach, Host of Living in the Good Space, YouTube video podcast
“. . . artfully written, filled with inspirational anecdotes and moving vignettes while being totally grounded in scientific research.”
— Robert Hetzel PhD, former director AES (American Embassy School), New Delhi, India.
"Breath is Life is a script for creating a life that is healthy, peaceful, joyful, and fun.”
— Dr. Verna Cornelia Price, The Power of People Institute
"Breath is Life demonstrates how breathing and oxygen are essential elements in our quality of life and how working with breath can improve athletic performance.”
— Brian MacLellan, General Manager of Washington Capitals, Winners of NHL 2018 Stanley Cup
“Working with this book may not only help you feel better, it may help you come alive.”
— Henry Emmons MD, author of The Chemistry of Calm and The Chemistry of Joy
“ Written from the heart . . . and flows like an effortless, diaphragmatic breath. Breath Is Life is a beautiful blend of storytelling, fundamental science, and readily applicable breathing practices.”
— Christopher Warden PT, DPT Owner, Director of MERZ Integrative Health, Performance and PT
"You and Dr. George took a subject that I thought was boring and made it fascinating, relevant and life-transforming!"
— Elizabeth Zielenski
what early readers have said
“… an unusual blending of the neuroscience significance of breath (Breath Literacy) with ancient and contemporary practices that embody breath in action. …I love Laurie’s sense of humor.”
— Muriel Ryden PhD, RN, FAAN, Professor Emerita School of Nursing & Faculty Associate, Center for Bioethics
“Breath is Life” is a timely invitation to befriend breath. Excellent explanations, stories and wisdom about the power of breath inspired me to fully accept their invitation! Doing so has given me greater mental clarity, increased energy and deeper meditations. Thank you Laurie and George, for resuscitating humanity’s sacred relationship with breath. Ahhhhh. — Dawn Morningstar, Founder of Venerable Women
“The more I read, the more I simply love this book. I see it as one to return to again and again…"
— Francene Hart, Visionary Artist & Author
“ … your expertise comes through on every page / Passion … / Compassion …/ …Fun / You are a treasure trove of powerful information and ways to learn and practice!”
— Debra Magnuson, MA., CPCC Executive & Career Coach
“I would highly recommend this book. Laurie’s techniques enhanced my running in 5 Pikes Peak Marathons, 50-mile marathon, a 100-mile Himalayan near Mt Kangchenjunga (K2) India etc.”
— Ron Hagen, Father and Athlete
“FABULOUS! The book flows beautifully and I loved every page! Read this book and enjoy a wonderful realization —Breath is Life!”
— Maddy Hewitt, Executive Director of NESA (Near East South Asia Council of Overseas Schools)
“I LOVE this book! It is a gift to the world! I want to give it to all my friends.”
— Susan L. Young, Retired Elementary School Principal ASL (American School, London)
“This book changed the way I’ll breathe forever.”
— Timothy Boyer, Retired High School Principal AES (American Embassy School, New Delhi)
“This book is f***ing fantastic!”
— Barry Weiss, Meditation Teacher
breath is life
taking in and letting go
how to live well, love well, BE well
Increase your energy
Sleep soundly
Make better decisions
Strengthen your immune system
Become stress-resilient
Create inner & outer peace