breathe the change
Breath Is Life Book Wins Awards!

Health & Fitness

Bill Fisher Award for
Best First Book: Nonfiction


Overall Book Design (nonfiction)

Mind, Body, Spirit
Laurie Ellis-Young and George T. Ellis. PsyD, received Two Silver Benjamin Franklin IBPA Awards in the categories for their book, Breath Is Life, at the 35th Annual 2023 Independent Book Publishers Association conference in San Diego, CA on May 5th.
Additionally, Breath Is Life is a finalist in the largest international awards competition Next Generation INDIE Book Awards in the two categories of Overall Book Design (nonfiction) and Mind, Body, Spirit.
And (MIPA) Midwest Independent Publishers Association Award has selected Breath Is Life for a Silver Award in the category of HEALTH and is nominated for a GOLD award on June 17, 2023 at the MIPA Gala at Open Book in Minneapolis.

FOREWORD REVIEWS by Melissa Wuske Jan/Feb 2022: “The book has a calm pace, augmenting the tone of its instruction. The pages are roomy with beautiful, restful botanical accents. Each chapter ends with breathing essentials: a key idea plus a BLIPP—Breath Literacy’s Instant Power Practice—to make sure learning goes from the mind to the body. Breath Is Life is a health book that shows that new life is as close as your lungs.”